Alone is calm. It's a state of being. A choice. Alone is enjoying the presence of nothing and no one. Alone is listening to your inner self. Lonely is distress. It's a phase of uncertainty and loss of freedom. It's the loss of perspective in life. Lonely is seeing something beautiful, feeling the love but not having someone to share it with. Alone is living, lonely is dragging.

As humans, we crave touch. Simple fleeting moments can make connections stronger and more connected to the universe. You can be living in a sea of people and yet feel deserted because of the lack of touch. Human touch brings in a sense of security, reciprocity, and belonging. The body needs the sympathetic touch from someone in order to heal. The body needs human touch to thrive. Can we live without it? Yes, we definitely can. Should we? I don't think so.

Do you really believe I don't care about you? Your assumption that I don't recall anything that happened, everything that we shared, every conversation that we had, every minute we spent together, and everything that happened between us over those months is absurd. Do you think I don't crave that touch? The way your fingertips used to brush across my cheeks and make me shiver. I remember it all, and I don't think I will ever be able to get that out of my mind. 

"I had all and then, most of you. Some and now, none of you." This is exactly what most of us feel, for a person, a thing, a pet, a materialistic thing, and what not. It's hard. It always is. Because you put your everything in something, and suddenly it all goes away. Everything that you ever wished for, just vanishes.  

Sometimes, your closest friends can become strangers with the blink of an eye. In the same way, a stranger can become the closest person in your life in a heartbeat. And if we learn to accept this, we won't be heartbroken or sad or depressed or disappointed. 

Just like MJ says- "expect disappointment, and you'll never be disappointed."




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