Why do we put pressure on ourselves by looking at others? Why do we look at someone's Instagram story and wish we could live their life? Why are we not satisfied with what we have? Why do we think a hundred times before posting a picture?

To be honest, social media puts a lot of pressure on us. There is always something which makes us pressurized in doing something new every time, which eventually kills our happiness and we don't enjoy our present at all.  

I remember, when I was about 13 or 14, I used to look at profiles of bloggers and actresses and wish if I could take their place and travel the world, eat fancy food, get cool pictures clicked. But now that I see myself, that thing has changed so much. I just wish to live life on my own terms, get the kind of pictures clicked that I want (the weird ones, you can see), eat food that I want, and make my life. That's it!


5 minutes ago you were so happy, but now that someone is traveling on the West Coast Canada, and you can't do it, BOOM, you're sad! We need to understand that everyone has a different life and everyone will eventually do something different. Whatever we are doing, it might be a goal for some other person, you never know. Even if you think nobody likes you, somebody secretly does. And somebody secretly wants to live your life. So you can post anything you like and you can literally do anything you want. 

I've come to a realization that it is absolutely okay to feel things and also feel down sometimes, but it is not okay to overthink. So just allow yourself to feel things, take a day off, or just sit and enjoy for as long as you want. Allow yourself to be happy, because you can be and you should be, and because, you are important!

So, if you're going through one of those days where you don't know which way to go, or, are tired comparing your life with others, BREATHE! 

Breathe because you're perfect and you're amazing, even if you don't know that. Even if you don't look like it, I'm sure you can do some great things. Find yourself a thing, be it dancing, singing, cooking, painting, writing, reading, or whatsoever. Find what makes you alive. 

It is about the little things in life, so don't complicate it. You have a lot of stuff you take for granted, don't. 

Always be grateful and feel blessed, and amazing things will happen.



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